We provide support across Norfolk to women and men of all ages. Here is a selection of related charities and agencies that may be useful to you.
Rainbow Clinic
The Tommy’s Rainbow Clinic is part of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. It provides specialist antenatal care for women who have suffered a previous stillbirth or neonatal death. They care for families from the time of the postnatal appointment to discuss investigations onwards and into a subsequent pregnancy.

Tommy's fund research into miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth, and provide pregnancy health information to parents. They believe it is unacceptable that one in four women lose a baby during pregnancy and birth. They want every parent has the best possible pregnancy outcomes and can take home happy, healthy babies.

Sands supports anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby before, during or shortly after birth. Sands offer emotional support and information for parents, grandparents, siblings, children, families and friends, health professionals and others.

Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Their vision is for all families to have the support they need to rebuild their lives.

Birthrights is dedicated to improving women’s experience of pregnancy and childbirth by promoting respect for human rights. We believe that all women are entitled to respectful maternity care that protects their fundamental rights to dignity, autonomy, privacy and equality. We offer an email advice service to individual women and healthcare professionals in England and Wales. We run training for healthcare professionals, carry out research, and campaign for human rights centred maternity care.

ARC offers non-directive information and support to parents before, during and after antenatal screening.

The Lullaby Trust provides specialist support for bereaved families and anyone affected by a sudden infant death.

Adoption UK supports adopters and prospective adopters before, during and after the adoption process.

Leeway is a specialist domestic abuse charity supporting adults, children and young people across Norfolk and Suffolk.
0845 241 2171

Baby bank collects preloved baby items to pass on to local families in need.

Sexual health information, support and advice for young people.
01493 852253

Contraception and Sexual Health Services are now run by Cambridge Community Services and are called iCaSH Norfolk.
Central Telephone Number: 0300 300 30 30

Your C-Card is a Condom scheme for 16-24yr olds. Condoms are available at many locations around Norfolk.
Visit the C-Card website below.