60 millas en febrero para difundir la esperanza en Norfolk.
En TimeNorfolk ofrecemos nuestros servicios a todo Norfolk desde King's Lynn hasta Great Yarmouth. La distancia entre estos dos pueblos es de aproximadamente 60 millas, por lo que este febrero lo desafiamos a viajar 60 millas por su cuenta para ayudarnos a difundir la esperanza en todo Norfolk.
Puede nadar, andar en bicicleta, correr, caminar o patinar hasta las 60 millas. ¡Siéntete libre de ser tan creativo como quieras!
Puedes participar solo o con amigos y familiares. Si desea participar como grupo, lugar de trabajo u otra organización, póngase en contacto conruth@timenorfolk.org.uk.
Para participar, simplemente complete este formulario (¡haga clic en mí!)
Configure su página de JustGiving aquí (¡haga clic en mí!)
¡Una vez que haya alcanzado las 50 libras esterlinas, le enviaremos una camiseta de TimeNorfolk y todos los que participen recibirán una medalla de TimeNorfolk!
Spread the Word:
Share this web page with your friends, family, and colleagues. Encourage them to participate, either by hosting their own bake sales or by attending and supporting yours. We will provide you with a poster to help you promote your bake sale!
Plan Your Bake Sale:
Let your creativity shine while planning your bake sale, you could decorate your space, offer a delivery service within your office or go with a theme. You could hold it at your workplace, school, community centre, or even your front garden!
Baking and Donations:
Whip up some delicious treats that will entice everyone's taste buds. Get your family, friends, and coworkers involved in baking cupcakes, cookies, cakes, and other goodies. Encourage people to contribute their baked goods and make a monetary donation to support TimeNorfolk.
Raise Awareness:
Your bake sale is an opportunity to educate those around you about baby loss and the support that TimeNorfolk offers. We can provide you with leaflets and posters that might spark conversations.

Set a fundraising goal for your bake sale and let people know what you're aiming to achieve. Every pound raised will go directly to TimeNorfolk and make a difference in someone's life. After your bake sale you can pay in your money via our JustGiving Page: www.timenorfolk.org.uk/donate by making a donation. Alternatively you can pay your money in directly via bacs by emailing ruth@timenorfolk.org.uk